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NDNB Summer Edition! 💥
Welcome the winner of the Czech BASS AWARDS 2023!!
Make some noise for KAIRA!
„Specializing in the more dynamic and unrelenting subgenres of drum & bass, Kaira’s heart beats to the rhythm of energetic and uncompromising neurofunk, which she reveres as a timeless art form. Her signature style is characterized by its precision, delivering punchy mixes and a meticulously curated selection that captivates audiences.
Kaira’s sonic prowess has graced numerous stages across the Czech Republic and Europe, leaving a trail of electrifying performances in her wake. Her contributions extend beyond the decks as she plays a pivotal role in the BTALK podcast, where she assumes the role of host, showcasing and engaging with producers and DJs from the Czechoslovak drum & bass scene.“
❂ Das komplette Lineup ❂
▶ KR33P (H)
▶ DJ GB (HI)
Support Team:
▶ TRIPTUNE b2b KEYZ b2b J.N.S (H)
23h ● 18+ ● AK 13€

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